Gladys' commissions
Welcome to the page with preview of my works. Take a look around what I'm offering.
Sketch commissions
Every listing:
full body + $3
second character + $6
detailed background +$10
Advanced listing
Full rendering $40
- Full body +$10
- Detailed background +$20
- Second character + 50%
Payment method:
Currently in Poland? You can pay with BLIK in pln.
Due to currency change, the prices are then negotiable.
Contact example
When paying, you calculate half the price and send a simple message about your order. From there I receive your contact and respond to you through that email, proceeding with details of the commission.
Terms of Service
Before finalizing request, please familiarize yourself with these terms:
1. You [customer] agree to pay 50% upfront via given payment method.
2. I [seller] will start working on your order once the payment have been registered in my bank account .
3. I am allowed to refuse and fully refund any order. (For do and dont's see point 10.)
4. You can ask for a refund on orders which were not delivered within SIX WEEKS from the time of placing the order.
5. When completed, I will send a watermarked, low resolution product for your revision. When satisfied, you can pay the remaining 50% of the price for full work.
6. The final product will be delivered digitally.
6a. In the progress stage, the customer has the right to three revisions/major changes in the early sketch phase. After completion, only minor details can be changed.
7. The commission is for your personal use only. You can use it as a profile picture on various accounts, with credit. No commercial use is allowed, for any financial gain, like using it for monetized content.
7a. I hold every right for the drawing, and I can promote myself/post the final product on my own accounts.
7b. You are not allowed to use the product for any AI tools existing, or similar future software.
8. I will include my signature YSK on the final image in a visbile place. Any attempt at cropping, censoring or editing the signature is prohibited.
9. Should any unforseen personal matters occur hindering the work from being completed within timely manner, it will be discussed with you directly and immediately. If any accident/family or health issues happen, you can either agree to prolong the deadline for delivery or be fully refunded.
10. Do and Dont's
I will draw
- human/ simple antropomorphic characters (Sonic style).
- simple mecha
- ships/casual PDA
I will not draw
- standard furry characters
- complicated robots/ full body armor
- hate content/oppressive images/extreme violence
- realism
- explicit NSFW
Anything not listed might come under point 3.
Any more questions? Contact me: